A really cool online clock that can also be downloaded as a screensaver. LINK

I don't know who created the numbers, but this guy put them into clock format. LINK

A well designed handwritten clock. I like the initial draw. LINK

A simple clock. Go to the link to see it in motion. LINK

Printmakers of all experience levels, produced 118 prints in any medium to create a periodic table of elements. Learn more about the project and see the prints. LINK

Custom 52 is a website that allows artists to showcase their work by designing a card for the deck. Online voting determines the final deck. They are now working on the fourth deck in the series. These are two of my favorites from Cycle 3. LINK
This is a combination of a bunch of different genres. Abandoned photography. Street art and illustration. Multimedia and gaming.
Both the photography and illustrations are quite beautiful. But the most interesting, and sometimes frustrating, aspect is that it almost functions like a point-and-click game, having to find the spot or combination of spots to click to get to the next room. With some clicks, things happen, others just move you forward.
It is possible to navigate directly to each room without finding the right spots to click. On a Mac you hold down the command key. Not sure what key on a PC, perhaps Control? LINK

Nikolas Schiller is and artist who has taken satellite images from all over the world and created geometric art. You may recognize his work from the cover of one of Thievery Coporation's CDs. I do believe he no longer does a daily render. Last I heard it was down to weekly. Check out his site/blog and see more. LINK

A pretty incredible images of Earth at night, brought tous by NASA. Click to see it larger. Under Data, click on Cloudless Earth (night). LINK
As a graduation project from Beckmans College of Design, Erik Nodenankar came up with the concept to create the biggest drawing in the world. A package with a GPS tracker would be shipped around the world, creating his self portrait. I suspect that the whole hoax thing was most likely created by others who saw the project and didn't realize that it was just a school project, never meant to go beyond getting a grade. But the original link is gone and these are the only links I can find now. LINK