This animation is actually the compilation of over 6,000 individual paintings. Yep, paintings! LINK

A nice idea to combine flipbooks and movement. LINK

Though I do wish that the locations were more inspired, this is a nice simple concept to set the timer on the camera to two seconds, then see how far you can run from it before the shutter clicks. See the results at his site. LINK

It would appear from the dates of the original video postings that this creation was inspired by the VideoGioco illustration video previously posted here. But still a cool little piece putting together Parkour illustrations. LINK

When I see kids running about like this, I can't help but think about how much my knees hurt! Pretty cool to see them fly about and still land on their feet. LINK

These strollers, cradels, rocking horses, rattles, and more should keep any baby well defended. See them all. LINK

Concept, story and visual style all come together to create a fantastic animated short film. This is a must watch. LINK

Originally published in French Vogue, the images of the same model made up to look 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 years old. Pretty amazing. LINK
A rather interesting look at a few moments in time, captured stills put together to tell a story. LINK

An interesting idea to write short messages to those who have passed on. Some of them are quite funny. LINK

Unlike many other point-and click games, this one gives you visual cues to help you make your way through this robot landscape. It's worth playing just to see the graphics and doesn't take too long to help power up the robot world. LINK

Lawrence Northey has created some very endearing robot sculptures. See more at his site. LINK

A well-done animation of a robot reaching for more. Another must watch. LINK
An animation showing the culture clash of robots visiting a new world. LINK

I love the color-palette in these paintings and the stories one can read into them. Lots of robots as he works to complete his "100 Robots" project but other subject matter as well. LINK

Patrick Hughes and the others responsible for this short movie did a great job. This love story is a must watch. LINK

An animated ninja love story. LINK

This ring rocks. (Pun intended.) Not only can you switch out the stones, but the packaging is rough-cut as well. LINK

Amazing graphics in this film noire style video of a fleeting moment between two strangers. LINK

Though the instructions are in another language, the how-to photos are clear enough for you to make your own maple-leaf bouquet. LINK

A really cool animation from the BBC for the 2010 Olympics. LINK

The BBC have put together some really fun clips putting animals into the winter games. Watch them all!
Opening Ceremony LINK
Speed Skating Polar Bear LINK
Reindeer Cross Country LINK
Goose High Jump LINK
Polar Bear Ice Hockey LINK
Penguins Ice Race LINK
Closing Ceremony LINK

A very cool website showing Shaun White training on a secret half pipe hidden in the middle of nowhere. Well worth the time to explore the site. Nice graphic design as well. LINK

A very cool design for a snow sled. LINK

This artist creates miniature scenes which he then photographs. Volcanos, deserts, tonadoes and more. Visit his site to see them all. LINK

A very imaginative animated short about a man who is accidentally transformed into the Japanese monster Kudan. Unique visuals make this a must watch. LINK

Although I doubt the practicality of the concept, the modeling is way cool. Mobile homes reimagined! Visit the terreform1 site here. LINK

A well-done animation originally created for MTV Asia. LINK

This guy built this entire city out of paper! It took four years and is all hand made. See more pictures including lots of close ups and read about it here. LINK
A really amazing amalgamation of 3000 photographs depicting the two-month process of creating a professional-quality, hand-made art book. From lithographs to letterpress type, hand stitching and gluing, even hand-made paper! LINK

You can participate in the "Read on Earth" art project, where you leave behind a bookmark in appropriate reading material to be found in a library, bookstore, or any other location. See other's bookmarks at the site. LINK

Phone books, carved and painted! Lots of famous people to check out. LINK
I've always been a fan of flipbooks. Two different ones shown here.
Inhale Exhale is a nice one by Matt Shlian. LINK

And an untitled work by Lisaa. Very clever. LINK

This guy uses old books to create new stories. Some of his pages are really wonderful from a graphic point of view. Read and see more at his site. LINK

Textile artist Nick Cave has made a series of wearable sculptures. LINK

This little video made for the Temperley Spring 2010 collection is pretty darned cool. It uses a zoetrope and a side show feel. Very cool and a must watch. LINK
You can also check out their interactive website. LINK

These doll heads were made exclusively for a hair show runway presentation to showcase the wigs. Even the eyelids were fully mobile. See more pictures and read about it from the point of view of the maker of the doll heads. LINK

Chanel decorated their set for the 2009 Spring-Summer show with lots and lots of white paper flowers. See the photos on the Chanel site. LINK

Barbie is now available in 12 fashion versions, dressed up in little black dresses, with glamor hair and makeup, and even more impossibly thin. LINK
These twelve were given to fashion designers to add their own touch and are being auctioned off to benefit the Council of Fashion Designers of America. The eBay auction closed on February 7 but you can still check out photos at Trendhunters. LINK

Cars, motorcyles, animals, and more are all created out of car parts by James Corbett. And one of the things I rarely see in found-object sculptures of vehicles, are the figures driving and riding them. See the all at his site. Some very cool stuff. LINK

These sculptures are amazing. Full-size construction vehicles done in a gothic style! Caterpillar, dump truck, cement truck, even a flat-bed semi and trailer. There are also some example of scale models at his site. Plenty of other interesting artwork to check out while you are there. LINK

These guys wanted to see if they could get a real car to go 360 degrees, upside down around a loop, like a toy car on a track. I won't give away whether or not they were successful. See the results. LINK

Artist John Rooney describes himself as being torn between the desire to create and destroy. Thus, bonsai with scale recreations of car accidents in the pot. Read more and see the gallery at his site. LINK

I wish I could tell you more about the creators of this car chase/race/crach stop-motion animation but I don't speak the language. LINK

This toy company in Indonesia makes some really good wooden models of cars, trucks, military vehicles and airplanes. Very detailed. LINK

This guy does some really great car sound effects. I especially like watching him mimic the driving with his hand movements. LINK

Joel Hester makes furniture from old car parts, showcasing the rust and wear. Check out a few more images at his site including some before-and-after shots of the parts. LINK