This little site was put together during the BP Gulf Oil Spill. Create your own virtual oil spill over a site of your choice! LINK

Directed by Esteban Diácono, this music video for 'Ljósiô' by Olafur Arnalds is pretty cool. LINK

Though his work is photoshopped, the original photographs and their reworkings are all pretty amazing. See them all at his site. LINK

This interstitial for Central China Television is simply beautiful. Watch it on vimeo. LINK

This photographer made the cut for his underwater paint photography. Choose the Aqueous portfolio on his site to see more. LINK

There are lots of photos on Ujin Lee's site, but there is something interesting about his Dust series. LINK

Though all of his photography is good, I particularly enjoy the few images of children at play at home found in the portfolio section of Tim MacPherson's site. LINK

A very nice stop-animation style movie, this time taking advantage of depth of field as well. Some very clever ideas in there! LINK

Though I do wish he had done a side-by side comparison of the real thing along with his recreations, he still managed some creative compositions of famous sites. Stonehenge, Matterhorn, the Eiffel Tower and more can be found at his site. LINK

This mother has found a simple yet clever way to enjoy her baby's nap time. LINK

Artist Magdalena Bors has created some unique scenes at home. See them at her site. LINK

This is a funny look at couch cushion architecture, critical commentary and grades as if they were architectural creations. See them all and be reminded of your early builder days. LINK

Check out this cool animation for music by Audio Mainline of of an underwater creation. LINK

This guy has put a whole slew of sculptures underwater in Grenada, West Indies and Cancun, Mexico. Check out the images and some of the life growing on them. LINK

I'm sure many of us have seen the commercial for United Airline that features the Sea Orchestra. But you should also check out the Tale of How created by many of the same players. Less commercial but no less artistic. LINK
Or watch the commercial again. LINK

Documenting life below the surface, this project has some beautiful underwater images. LINK

Swim with the fishes (and shark) in this underwater interactive. LINK

With donations of 600,000 recycled CD disks and 140 friends to help, Bruce Monroe created this CD Sea in England. More pics and info at his site. LINK

The creative agency, Nothing, in Amsterdam has created a fabulous office space from cardboard! Designed by Alrik Koudenburg and Joost van Bleiswijk, what a way to break up an open, noisy work space (though I do wonder how it is holding up over time). Check out the photos at their site. Click "About Nothing", then "The idea behind Nothing". LINK

Holy detail batman! This guy loves his cardboard. Though his functional furniture and architectural models are my favorites, you can also check out some jewelry, wedding cakes in detail, and larger scale pieces at his site. LINK

This guy does some fantastic work, both sculptural and illustrative, and at times, combines the two. I love his printing press and cameras! See more including photos in his studio at his site. LINK

These cardboard delicacies look almost good enough to eat. Check out all of the pastries, sushi and even a hamburger at her site. LINK

This guy creates more traditional art using cardboard. See more at his site. LINK

Don Lucho created some cardboard living spaces. See the kitchen and bedroom too. LINK

A little video of a cardboard art project by four students of the Utrecht School of Art and Technology. LINK

This short film was made for Julien Vallée's Challenge Your World project. LINK